Abdi Bangsa Institute

Program Pelatihan Professional Dibidang Hospitality Dan Barista Guna Menciptakan SDM Unggul, Siap Kerja Dan Berdaya Saing

Getting you the Right Fit in Hospitality
Hotel Golden Sands

Abdi Bangsa Institute Menjalin Kerja sama (MOU) dengan Hotel Hilton Bandung

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We have the pleasure Announce our corporation with one of leading hotel and catering institution in Indonesia ( abdi BANGSA INSTITUTE) where we can provide hospitality industry with best qualified and trained staff from Indonesia.
The Abdi Bangsa Institute of Hospitality Course Training is located in the city of Cianjur, in middle of West Java, it’s about 125 Km southern of Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. It is born with a commitment to provide the best for the hospitality industry.
The mission of The Abdi Bangsa Institute of Hospitality Management is three-fold. It aims to:
• Develop skill, technique and knowledge for the hospitality and tourism industry.
• Build a world-class institution for the creation, translation and dissemination of knowledge to the hospitality and tourism industry.
• Deliver high-quality of hospitality education.
Hospitality Training Topics
• Bar Service and Knowledge
• Customer Service Skill
• Culinary skills
• Food preparation
• Food Service
• Basic Skills for the guest service
• Housekeeping
• Learning English with a Native Speaker


Hospitality Offline

New Program from Abdi Bangsa Institute, to realize Productivity in forming superior HR even with Online Training

Hospitality Online

New Program from Abdi Bangsa Institute, to realize Productivity in forming superior HR even with Online Training

Barista Offline

The Barista Program Is An Expertise Program That Is Trending Right Now, Abdi Bangsa Institute Has Already Received Many Job Orders For The Fields

Program Barista Online

New Program from Abdi Bangsa Institute, to realize Productivity to form superior HR in the Barista field even though it is based on Online Training

Meet The Team

Yusup Sumardi. S.pd

Training Coordinator
